Friday, March 9, 2018

15 Foods That Cut Your Cancer Risk

You don't smoke, you know your family history of every cancer under the sun (including skin cancer) and you never fall behind on an annual checkup.
But there's still something – well, a lot, actually – you can do to slim your cancer risk. Namely, watch what you eat. Your food choices can either increase or decrease your risk of cancer in a big way, with poor nutrition contributing about 30 percent of all diagnosed cancer cases, according to Anna Taylor, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic.
And while being overweight or obese is linked with an increased risk for 10 different types of cancers, including breast, pancreatic, endometrial and colon cancers, a multitude of healthy weight-supporting foods also contain certain phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals that have anti-carcinogenic effects. "These nutrients help protect the body from carcinogens in the environment and reduce DNA damage," Taylor says. "Many unprocessed foods, especially plant foods, contain a variety of these compounds that work together synergistically to decrease cancer risk." (FYI, that's why whole foods, not isolated supplements, are best for reducing cancer risk.)
Ready to reduce your cancer risk – and maybe even drop a few pounds while you're at it? Start filling up on these 15 cancer-fighting foods:

1. Whole Grains
A 2016 study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health shows that eating a high-fiber diet decreases women's risk of breast cancer. Foods that are high in fiber, and especially whole grains like whole-wheat bread, quinoa and oats, promote satiety and healthy weight, and may even keep breast cancer cells from binding to estrogen and spurring the growth of breast cancer, Taylor says.

2. Tomatoes
Lycopene, a major antioxidant in tomatoes that gives them their red color, can help stop breast cancer before it starts, per 2015 research in the Journal of Cancer Prevention.
Meanwhile, beta-carotene and vitamin C in tomatoes have been linked to a lower risk of esophageal cancer, Taylor says. To get the most out of your tomatoes, turn up the heat. Cooking tomatoes actually improves the body's ability to absorb lycopene, thereby cutting cancer risk, according to one British Journal of Nutrition study.

3. Broccoli
Along with cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, broccoli is rich in phenethyl isothiocyanate, or PEITC, which 2016 research in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research suggests reduces men's risk of prostate cancer. Researchers believe PEITC may fight cancer by flipping on and off a person's genes – obviously for the better. What's more, "cruciferous veggies contain glucosinolates and indoles, which are phytonutrients that appear to reduce the risk of several types of cancer by decreasing inflammation, inhibiting enzymes that are pro-carcinogenic and by stimulating enzymes that are anti-carcinogenic," Taylor says. For an extra cancer-fighting punch, eat your broccoli alongside tomatoes. A previous Johns Hopkins School of Medicine study found that broccoli and tomatoes, when eaten in combination, are better at fighting existing cancer tumors than when eaten separately.

4. Curcumin
"We have hundreds of studies that suggest curcumin can help prevent cancer, including pancreatic, colon, prostate, liver, esophageal and multiple myeloma, by promoting apoptosis or 'cell suicide' of cancer cells, and by slowing the growth of tumors," Taylor says. In fact, 2013 research in Current Pharmaceutical Design even explored the possibility of using the spice to develop new medical treatments to combat cancer in the future.

5. Black Raspberries
They might look the same as blackberries, but besides being less tart than their doppelgängers, 2015 research from The Ohio State University shows that antioxidants from black raspberries can penetrate existing oral cancer tumors to slow their growth. Plus, black raspberries (and most any berries, for that matter) are rich in vitamin C, fiber and ellagic acid, all of which help protect the body against cancer.

6. Vitamin D-Fortified Milk
Vitamin D deficiency is linked with increased risk of several types of cancers, while 2016 research from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that vitamin D mitigates obesity's role in the development of breast cancer by reducing the body's production of mammary estrogens. Unfortunately, up to 41.6 percent of Americans are deficient in the cancer-fighting vitamin, according to evidence published in Nutrition Research. To get more D, Taylor suggests reaching for vitamin D-fortified dairy products like milk. Bonus: Consuming low-fat dairy is linked with healthier body masses, which is critical to cancer prevention.

7. Wine
Your happy-hour habit may actually do your body good. In one 2015 study from the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, people who regularly consumed anthocyanidins, flavonoids commonly found in wine, had a 57 percent reduced risk of esophageal cancer than those who didn't drink up. Flavonoids, antioxidant compounds contained in grape skins, may also influence gene expression to reduce the risk of cancer, according to 2015 research in Clinical Epigenetics. The key, however, is moderation. Taylor recommends that men and women drink no more than one or two alcoholic beverages per day, respectively, if they want to keep their cancer risk low.

8. Garlic
Your significant other will love this one: Eating garlic reduces the risk of gastric cancer, according to a 2015 University of Sydney meta-analysis of more than 20,000 people. "There are several substances in allium vegetables, such as garlic, that are being studied to explore possible anti-cancer benefits," says Taylor, noting that, in the lab, one of garlic's compounds, diallyl disulfide, has actually killed leukemia cells.
9. Salmon
Men who eat fatty fish like salmon at least once a week are 57 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer compared to men who never get fishy, according to research published in the International Journal of Cancer. Meanwhile, women who get their fill of omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish enjoy a lower risk of breast cancer, per a 2015 review from the University of Kansas Medical Center. EPA and DHA, two types of omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, may reduce the ability of other harmful fatty acids to spur inflammation in the body, according to researchers.

10. Soy Milk
Soy foods contain myriad phytonutrients and other substances that protect the body from cancer, Taylor says. The big one seems to be isoflavones, estrogen-mimicking compounds researchers believe that, by blocking the body's naturally stronger form of estrogen from attaching to breast cancer cells, reduces the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors. For example, in one study of 97,275 women, those who consumed even a few ounces of soy milk each day reduced their risk of ovarian cancer. Meanwhile, results the Shanghai Women's Health Study show that women who eat the most soy during adolescence and early adulthood cut their risk of developing premenopausal breast cancer by about 60 percent.

11. Green Tea
Seriously, what can't green tea do? Research published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry shows that drinking green tea prevents skin cancer, the most common form of cancer. Green tea is rich in epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, a polyphenol that has intense antioxidant powers, helping to protect your DNA from free radical damage, according to the National Cancer Institute. In laboratory and animal studies, polyphenols including EGCG have been shown to slow cancer growth and even cause the death of cancerous cells.

12. Mushrooms
Eating about 2 cups of fresh mushrooms every day can decrease your risk of breast cancer by about two-thirds, per one International Journal of Cancer study. How does that work? Mushrooms contain compounds that prevent estrogen levels from getting too high, explains Shiuan Chen, associate chair and professor of the City of Hope Department of Cancer Biology in California. And, since estrogen is involved in the development of 70 percent of breast cancers, keeping your hormone levels in check is a big win.

13. Coffee
Java addicts, rejoice! In one University of Minnesota study of 63,257 men and women, daily coffee consumption significantly reduced the risk of gastric cancer, especially in women. "Coffee contains several phytonutrients and compounds that serve as antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and may serve other functions to protect against cancer," Taylor says, noting that coffee and has been linked to a lower risk of endometrial, colorectal and liver cancers as well as melanoma. In fact, research from the University of Scranton has ID'ed coffee as the No. 1 source of antioxidants in the average American's diet.

14. Olive Oil
"Olive oil contains several compounds, such as squalene, polyphenols and tocopherols that provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant benefits," Taylor says. That may be one reason the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in olive oil, was found in one 2015 JAMA Internal Medicine study to decrease women's risk of breast cancer. It's worth mentioning, though, that plenty of other foods on this list, including fruits, veggies, fatty fish and wine, are also part of the Mediterranean diet. Opt for extra-virgin olive oil whenever possible; it's the least processed form of olive oil and retains the most cancer-fighting nutrients, Taylor says.

15. Brazil Nuts
These seeds, which love to masquerade as nuts, contain more selenium than any other food lining your supermarket shelves. Selenium, a dietary mineral with powerful antioxidant capacities, is linked with a reduced risk of stomach, bladder and prostate cancer, and a 60 percent lower risk of cancer mortality, according to a 2014 Cochrane review. What's more, a handful of the seeds meets about 10 percent of your daily fiber needs to further reduce your cancer risk.

Home Remedies To Fade Acne Scars, Pimple Marks To Get Flawless Skin

Ading away scars and spots from face is not as difficult with the help of home remedies. Natural remedies work on skin with utmost tenderness and care. They are gentle to skin and very simple to use. Healthy, scar free, spotless, youthful and flawless skin can be achieved by using these remedies. Below is a list of natural ways, which you can make use to get rid of acne scars and pimple marks.

Lemon juice is an excellent home remedy for scars and spots
Lemon juice can help you out in getting rid of acne scars. It has natural bleaching properties whichaids in the lightening process dark spots and marks on facial skin.
To take maximum advantage of natural alpha hydroxy acid found in lemon, apply lemon juice on your face to remove acne and pimple scars. If you see drying effect on your skin after using lemon face mask, then you should dilute it with water before smearing it on face.
Milk and lemon is also a good home remedy to fade acne scars and marks from the face. Lemons will surely reduce the appearance of face marks, although the process will take time. Regular use of lemon on face can improve your skin by removing scars, spots, marks, blemishes, dead skin cells from your face.

Tomato to remove acne scars
Tomato pulp on acne face is helpful in removing acne and pimple scars. Tomato is considered very effective in shrinking large pores on acne prone skin. Clean your face and apply tomato juice for 15 to 20 minutes. It will fade away pimple scars and blemishes from your face, making your skin clean and clear of all the impurities and blackheads.
Tomato face masks treats all the skin problems related to oily and greasy skin. A tomato is one of the best home remedy for oily skin.

Potato to clear pimple marks
Potato is effective in treating any kind of discoloration of skin. Its excellent cosmetic properties make it very useful in fading acne and pimples scars. Grate a raw potato to take out juice and apply it on acne scars.
Potatoes work wonders on clearing pimple marks. Just rub a slice of raw potato or apply the juice of raw potatoes on your acne marks to get clear skin. Potato lightens the marks due to its bleaching properties.

Aloevera fresh gel is best remedy for acne
Aloevera is popular for being widely used as a home remedy for acne skin. Make use of aloevera anti inflammatory properties by applying aloe vera fresh gel directly on the face marks and scars.
Grow an aloevera plant in your kitchen garden to take numerous skin care advantages of this wonder plant. Aloe vera could be your skin best friend!

Cucumber to fade away scars, dark circles, blemishes
Cucumber is one of the top home remedies that can treat inflammation caused by acne and acne scars. A fresh slice of cucumber can make you get rid of acne scars and pimples spots. Gently rub this cucumber piece on your skin and wash off after 20 to 30 minutes. You can also apply fresh juice of cucumber juice to fade away, scars, blemishes, dark spots and dark circles around eyes.

Neem leaves to treat acne spots, scars
Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties of neem leaves make it special for the treatment of acne, acne scars and skin pigmentation. You can apply neem leave face mask to treat your pimples and acne and you can also wash your face once a day with neem water. To control acne on face, you can also eat 4-5 neem leaves empty stomach.
Neem is an excellent treatment for most of the skin related diseases. Ithelps skin to get rid of infections that produces acne, pimples and other skin ailments.

Sandalwood is an effective scar remedy
Sandalwood and rose water paste can also be applied to get rid of acne scars. Sandalwood aids in soothing the facial skin and fading away all scars, and spots on it. It is a natural astringent with cooling effect that helps in cleansing the skin deeply. Sandalwood mixed with other ingredients can be used for treating sunburn and blemishes on the skin.

Milk and almond to reduce skin discoloration
Soak three to four almonds in milk overnight. Peel off the skin in the morning to make a paste of soaked almonds. Apply this fine paste on acne scars. Let it be for half an hour and wash off the face. Follow this home remedy for pimple scars thrice a week. This natural preparation is very effective for skin blemishes, dark spots, pimple marks, scars and pigmentation. 

Olive oil for skin problems
Regular use of olive oil can gradually reduce the visibility of dark skin spots, acne scars, red acne scars. The best thing about olive oil home remedy for acne scars is that olive oil does not clog the pores.Try olive oil and tea tree oil combination to lighten any kind of dark spots. Mix 5 drops of tea tree oil to seven drops of olive oil. Gently apply it on areas of breakouts and pimples scars. Antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil when combined with natural healing properties of olive oil gives great results. Olive oil will unclog skin pores, remove dead skin cells, fade away pimple marks, improves circulation in the skin while replenishing your skin with all the needed nutrients.

Honey to fade acne scars
Antibacterial, anti allergic, antioxidant, antiseptic properties makes honey one of the best home remedy for acne and acne scars. Honey when applied on face reduces the irritation, redness caused by acne. Besides fading away acne and pimple marks, honey is also a good moisturizer for all skin types. You can directly apply honey on face with a wet finger.

Baking soda for scar removal
Baking soda homemade scrubs can reduce the appearance of acne scars. Add two teaspoon of water to one teaspoon of baking soda to make a scrub. Apply this liquid paste gently on face in circular movements for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse off the face with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry.
Ugly acne scars is the outcome of badly treated pimples. Reducing the appearance of these scars is important in order to get perfect and smooth skin. Home remedies with natural ingredients are the best way to treat and get rid of acne and pimple scars.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Best Beauty Benefits Of Beetroot Juice For Perfect Glowing Skin

Beauty is always the secret behind the attitude that serves as the ultimate way to achieve the winning position. Let’s see how beetroot can help us to achieve that ageless beauty that you secretly always dream of. Do check yourself for any allergy or side effects by taking small quantity of juice initially. You can also dilute the beetroot juice with water or with other fruit juice to avoid any side effect.

Beetroot juice gives acne and pimple free skin
Beetroot is rich in skin enhancing nutrients and very effective for oily and acne prone skin. Drinking beetroot juice regularly helps prevent
acne and pimples from popping up on the face as beetroot has anti-inflammatory properties.If you do not like the strong taste of beetroot, you can add cucumber, orange or carrot juice to your beetroot juice recipe.If you are fed up of those scars that acne usually leaves behind, well, try applying beetroot juice and curd in 2:1 tablespoon proportion and acne will dry up in no time and no scar!

Beetroot and glowing skin:
Beetroot juice being a rich source of iron, vitamins and minerals can give you healthy and glowing skin. If inner body is healthy, it is sure to reflect on the outside. Drinking a glass of beetroot juice regularly helps cleanse the body of toxins. It purifies blood, and lead to a healthy glowing skin.
Also, applying this juice on face keeps it soft and supple just as a flower petal is! The radiant glow on the face is basically because beetroot helps remove the dead cells and replaces them with new ones.

Skin lightening and fair skin with beetroot
Dream of getting that fair complexion but scared to try the harmful chemically induced beauty products that the market offers? Well, beetroot is your safe bet then! Drinking the juice regularly and applying 1 tbsp of beetroot juice mixed with 1 tsp of lemon juice for 15 minutes before washing it off at night before you go to bed will work wonders towards lightening your skin complexion. 

Blemishes and dark spots free skin
 Yes, beetroot works amazingly well to remove any dark spots or blemishes from the skin. Just mix it with little tomato juice and apply it on the spots. Alternatively, go ahead and mix up a little beetroot juice with your regular clay mask and see the positive result on those blemishes. They will disappear in no time with routine application. Beetroot is a natural blood purifier, so also treat the cause from inside the body.

Goodbye dark circles
Stress at work or home, insufficient sleeping hours can lead to dark circles and puffy eyes. Regularly applying beetroot juice helps lighten up the dark circles and the puffy eyes. You will feel a lot of relief with the soothing agents present in beetroot juice.

Natural soft lips and pinkish skin
Lovely pink, soft lips and a beautifully blushing skin can be achieved as simple as just applying beetroot juice. Yes, you heard it right, go ahead and apply beetroot juice generously to your lips every night before going to bed. And within a few days you will have luscious pink lips!
A natural blush on the skin is very much possible too by using beetroot juice. Mix it up with equal proportion of carrot juice and apply it all over your face once a day regularly. There you have it, a naturally blushing skin! Drinking half a glass of
beetroot juice daily will help you to get beautiful, pink skin and soft, supple lips.

Beetroot moisturises dry skin
Dry skin can be very frustrating, especially when it tests your patience in the winter months. Everyone knows the good properties of milk and honey on skin. But try this one extra step and get quicker results and beautifully moisturized facial skin. Mix a little bit of beetroot juice with honey and milk and apply it as a nice coating. Dry skin problem solved just like that!

Remove dark lines from neck
Most people tend to neglect those dark lines or patches around the neck area. You work so hard to maintain a beautiful face, so why neglect the neck? Once again, beetroot juice comes to your rescue here! Just apply some of it and massage gently for a few minutes on the neck area (That’s a great excuse to relieve those stressed out neck muscles too, isn’t it!). Or, be a little creative, freeze the juice in your ice tray and use those ice cubes to massage the neck area! That simple!

Wrinkle free and ageless skin with beetroot juice
Once you cross over to the 30s, you start worrying about premature ageing and wrinkles. The antioxidants in beetroot help prevent premature ageing. So, drink beetroot juice regularly. Also, it helps maintain the elasticity in skin and hence prevents appearances of wrinkles.
For those who are in 40s or over 40, and looking for a natural way to get rid of those ugly wrinkles, then beetroot juice is your answer. Just apply a nice and thick coat once or twice a week consistently and you will be a step closer to wrinkle free skin every day.

Get beautiful hair with beetroot juice
Beetroot improves the overall health of hair by maintaining its shine and glow. Why leave behind the hair, when looking for a naturally beautiful you! Yes, with the use of beetroot you can improve the quality of your hair immensely. It helps prevent dry scalp, hair loss and helps get voluminous and shiny hair. Mix some ginger juice with beetroot juice to avoid loss of hair. Add some vinegar with the beetroot juice, and your dry scalp problem taken care of!
Besides having innumerable beauty benefits of drinking beetroot juice, it also has a number of health uses such as beetroot is a powerful antioxidant, it helps improves metabolism, has anti-cancer properties, improves liver functions, helps in weight loss and so many more. You can easily try beetroot at home to get rid of certain skin problems naturally.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The physical benefits of yoga

Yoga promotes physical health in multiple different ways. Some of them derive from better stress management. Others come more directly from the physical movements and postures in yoga, which help promote flexibility and reduce joint pain.
Following are some of the physical benefits of yoga that have a growing body of research behind them. In addition to the conditions listed below, preliminary research also shows that yoga may help with migraines, osteoporosis, balance and mobility issues, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia, and ADHD.

Back pain relief

Back pain is one of the most common health problems in the United States. Four out of five Americans will suffer from it at some point. But yoga appears to help. A 2013 meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials found "strong evidence for short-term effectiveness and moderate evidence for long-term effectiveness of yoga for chronic low-back pain." In fact, since 2007, the American Society of Pain guidelines have urged physicians to consider recommending yoga to patients with long-term pain in the lower back.
While it is tempting to stay in bed when your back hurts, doctors no longer recommend extended bed rest. Although lying in bed does minimize stress on the lumbar spine, it also causes muscles to lose conditioning, among other problems. In general, the sooner you can get up and get moving, the faster you will recover. Yoga helps alleviate back pain by increasing flexibility and muscle strength. Relaxation, stress reduction, and better body awareness may also play a role.
In one study, published in the journal Spine, people with back pain who did two 90-minute sessions of yoga a week for 24 weeks experienced a 56% reduction in pain. They also had less disability and depression than people with back pain who received standard care, such as pain medication. The results also suggested a trend toward the use of less pain medication in those who did yoga. When the researchers followed up with the participants six months after the study, 68% of the people in the yoga group were still practicing yoga an average of three days a week for an average of 33 minutes per session. That's a good indicator that they found yoga to be helpful.

Less arthritis pain

Exercise has been shown to help alleviate the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis; however, these symptoms can make it difficult to be active in the first place. Yoga offers a gentle form of exercise that helps improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles around painful joints.In a 2014 study of 36 women with knee osteoarthritis, those who did yoga experienced significant improvements in their symptoms compared with women who didn't do yoga. The yoga group had a 60-minute class one day a week and then practiced at home on several other days, averaging 112 minutes of yoga a week on their own. After eight weeks, they reported a 38% reduction in pain and a 35% reduction in stiffness, while the no-yoga group reported worsening symptoms.People with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, may also benefit. In a 2015 study, women with rheumatoid arthritis reported improvements in their physical health, walking ability, pain levels, energy, and mood, and had significantly fewer swollen and tender joints, after doing two hour-long yoga classes a week for eight weeks.

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