Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Ayurveda Treatment For Malaria

What is Malaria?

It is a type of fever that comes in cold or cold (campkapi). Malaria comes with high fever daily or daily by a patient.

The cause of malaria?

The cause of malaria is the malaria parasite mites which are so small that they can be seen only in the mycoscope. These parasites are found in the blood of the person suffering from malaria. The key is.
  1. Plasmodium vivax
  2. Plasmodium falsifier ferro

Which mosquitoes spread malaria?

Malaria disease spreads through mosquitoes of malaria females Analyze.

How does malaria spread?

There are two streams of malaria life cycle, which spreads this disease very fast:
  • First flow :—When the infected female anolysis mosquito bites a healthy person, it gives malaria parasites to its blood with its saliva. After 10-12 days of bites of infected mosquitoes, the symptoms of malaria disease appear in that person.
  • Second flow :—On cutting bacterial malaria, untreated female anolysis mosquito cures malaria parasites with the blood of the patient and in 12-14 days, the female anolysis mosquito is also able to infect malaria due to infection and as many healthy people bite. They get malaria. In this way, a malaria patient spreads this disease to many healthy people.

symptoms of malaria
  • Suddenly wintering (Campcampi, maximum quilt blanket)
  • Then take a high fever and have high fever.
  • Feeling weak and feeling weak due to sweating.

5 Best Ayurvedic remedies for getting rid of malaria

1. Basil

Tulsi is given special place in Indian culture. It is also considered sacred. Basil is used in the treatment of many diseases. If you have a place to plant trees in or around your courtyard, then plant basil must be planted. To treat malaria, grind 10 gram basil leaves and 7-8 chillies in water and take it in the morning and evening, the fever is cured. You can also add honey to it. Along with many qualities, Tulsi proves to be helpful in killing mosquitoes.

2. Ginger

Ginger consumption is also very beneficial for enhancing the taste of food as well as for treating malaria. Boil with a little ginger and add 2-3 spoon raisins in it and boil it with water. Keep boiling it until the water is half low. If it is a bit cold, take it twice a day. This helps in reducing malaria fever. Apart from this, if the use of Harsingar leaves is done in combination with ginger juice of sugar, it is beneficial in malaria.

3. Azadirachta indica

Neem tree is famous as anti-malaria-resistant. This is anti-virus tree. Malaria is mainly caused by bites of mosquitoes. Sickness, shivering, high fever, unconsciousness, sweating on landing fever, are the main symptoms. In this disease, the decoction of neem stem bark thrice thrice a day is beneficial. It provides relief in fever. Grind some neem green leaves and four black pepper together. Then boil it in a little water and boil it. Drinking by filtering this water benefits. Apart from this, by mixing coconut or mustard oil in neem oil, massaging the body also results in malaria fever caused by mosquitoes.


Giloy is an Ayurvedic Bell, which has the qualities of fighting all types of fever, especially malaria diseases. Mix honey in the decoction or juice of Giloy, consuming 40 to 70 ml of regular amounts of fruit in malaria. For this type of fever, crush giloya about 40 grams and mix the water in pottery and keep it covered overnight. By mashing it in the morning and drinking it eighty grams of milk in the day, the fever is dispelled.

5. guava

Guava is useful in malaria. If someone has malaria, then he must feed him guava thrice a day. Will be very effective. Vitamin 'C' is very high in its peel than guava. So do not eat guava without removing the peel. It is very beneficial to give fresh fruit and fresh fruit juices to treat malaria. At the same time, the fluid should be kept in intervals for some time. Especially lemonade Apart from this, it is also good for moderate exercise and walking.

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